30 Minute BACK SCULPTING Workout – Back Fat Burning Exercises with Weights

Duration: 30 Minutes
Intensity: 4/5
Type: Toning
Equipment: Heavy Dumbbells, Exercise Mat

Join me today in this Back Sculpting Workout that takes about 30 minutes to complete. It is a fun and effective workout that requires some kind of weights like dumbbells or heavy water bottles to follow along. You don’t need much space so it is ideal to follow along at home. The exercises will burn calories and tone your muscles at the same time, making it an ideal workout for sculpting your back and burning that back fat.

As always, it includes a warm up and cool down. And halfway through you will get a short but well-deserved water break.

Included exercises:
1. Reverse lifts
2. Bent over rows
3. Bent over flys
4. Underhand rows
5. Shoulder blade squeeze
6. Plank to pike
7. Supermans
8. Superman crunches
9. Superman circles
10. Superman flutters