Legs and Booty Workout – 30 Minute of Burning Exercises for Butt and Thighs – With Weights

Duration: 30 Minutes
Intensity: 4/5
Type: Strength
Equipment: Heavy Dumbbells, Exercise Mat

This Legs and Booty workout will get you that intense burning feeling and helps to tone your thighs and lift that butt. You can follow along with some kind of weights like dumbbells. Pick a weight that is challenging but still allows you to keep good form. If you don’t have weights, you can follow along with bodyweight only, just go a bit faster to make it more challenging.

The workout includes a short warm up and cool down. Halfway through you will get a short water break to recover from that burning feeling.

Included exercises:
1. Sumo squats
2. Reverse tap lunges
3. Deadlift squats
4. Side lunges
5. Pulse squats
6. Get ups
7. Glute bridges
8. Side leg lifts
9. Side leg lifts
10. Hip pushes